What Does Healing Color Look Like?
Every now and then, when you look outside, you see an image that captures your attention. The sun’s rays can be seen, the colors are soft, and most importantly, you are noticing this image for a reason. The reason is the colors are the right frequency that your mind, body, and spirit need, at that moment, to heal.
I took the photo the weekend of my birthday as I was going for a very early morning walk. I spent the weekend in the mountains, healing, healing from the passing of my dad on June 16th.
It’s important to let your mind release, your body relax, and your spirit be open to the new beginnings that are in store because, as we all know, there is no end, just a change in how our body lives.
It’s a big topic but as a HSP (hyper-sensitive person) and a psychic medium. I process death differently than most people. The healing process is probably the same, where we sit in our thoughts and emotions, feel them, and then in time, release them. The key here is to release in time, and that timeframe is whenever you feel you’re done processing.
I look at these colors and see the softness of the grays, which is odd for me because I don’t like gray of any kind, but these feel good to me. They are warm and comforting, like a fuzzy blanket on a cool day.
The green goes without saying; it’s my favorite hue and the heart chakra’s color. It is amazing how I’m drawn to certain colors based on what shape my chakras are in. My heart chakra is a little out of balance but definitely on its way to feeling good again.
If you need healing colors, and I don’t mean putting them on your walls, look at and actually FEEL these colors. Please consider the colors I have in the graphic.