Walking Through The Vortex
Recently I posted an article I Think I Just Experienced A Walk-In. I finally found out what had happened.
This past summer, I walked through a very powerful vortex. I’ve seen vortexes before but never was close enough to walk through one. I was so close to this vortex, I did not see it, but I sure as hell felt it.
Is it bad? No! Not at all — just the opposite. I feel ascended, clarified, and exactly where I need to be.
What’s changed?
Yesterday seems so long ago. My “friends,” whom I cut cords with, are not missed, and I’m embracing the simplicity in my life. It’s amazing what happens when you surrender.
There’s so much more to say and I will save that for another story. Today I’d like to pull a card for the collective.
A #LenormandCardReading for everyone who resonates with it.
Hold on because there’s a vortex that you’ll be walking through. That vortex is nothing to be worried about because it is YOU. You are now in the energy of YOUR self, and it feels good! You’ve let a lot go, cut many cords, and now you are quickly approaching your FEEL GOOD space. It will feel like you walked through a wall, but there will be nothing in front of you. I say this because I did it — it’s really hard to explain, but it’s real as the nose of your face. Embrace it; there is nothing to fear. The trick is to keep this feeling whenever you are influenced by the media to “be afraid” — we are all beyond that by now. Anchors away; 2023 is your year — hold that control.