The Power Of Embracing Shadow Work


After The Work Is Done, Time Does The Rest

photo by Donna Frasca

The small changes we make in life, whether we cut our hair, turn to nature for comfort, leave social media, or let bygones be bygones, these are the small changes that in turn will make a big difference in our lives, in time.

Our chakras are the key to being at our best, mind, body, and spirit. Our thoughts are key to re-finding ourselves and healing from the inside out.

Time eventually releases our thoughts or just thins them out enough to be a distant memory. The things we thought were important years ago suddenly feel mundane and are put in a box and locked for time to fade them.

We choose our happiness, we choose our love. Time chooses everything else… choose wisely.



Donna Frasca πŸ‘οΈ
Donna Frasca πŸ‘οΈ

Written by Donna Frasca πŸ‘οΈ

The Colorful Clairvoyant 🌟 #FromColorToTheCosmos

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