The Day I Got Hugged By An Angel

Donna Frasca 👁️
5 min readApr 9, 2024

It was the summer of 2015, and I was in a “Meet Your Spirit Guide” class. It was a small class which is always nice — no distractions. This day forever changed my life.

Everyone had their eyes closed and feet planted on the floor for grounding, and you could hear the deep inhales and exhales, as many people do while they are in a meditative state.

It was a guided meditation since the class was fairly new to the “meet your Spirit” stuff at this point. This is always nice, and guided meditations make it easier to visualize what you’re doing.

As the meditation progressed, I was getting a bit frustrated because I wasn’t seeing anything, which is highly unusual for me since I’m 3rd eye-strong — a very visual person.

Black. Blank. Nothing.

With a deep sigh, I just wasted my money and then exhaled. I feel like I’m wasting my time! Then something strange happened.”

I saw an indigo blue swirl — keep in mind my eyes are closed now — and it mixed in with lighter and darker blues. I remember thinking it was cool beans to see such pretty swirls of color.

Around the outside of the blue sphere were more shades of blue, but they weren’t in a ball; they were just all over the place in no particular pattern, just swirling and moving like the air would if it had color. (see painting above)

Clear out of nowhere, I saw a really bright light. It was like a yellow-white or the whitest white you can imagine, towards the bottom of my vision.

I was in awe of what I was seeing because, at that point, I hadn’t seen such vivid colors before, not that clear or that saturated.

Then, from my peripheral vision, I saw something coming around me on the left and right of me, like someone was behind me and about to hug me. I saw a pair of wings, just the tips at that point.

I was like, “What the heck is this?” I felt my head turn to the left and right to see where these wings came from.

All this is happening while I’m “meditating” with my eyes closed, listening to the person’s voice guiding the meditation.

As she said something like, “ok, now look around, and you should see your Guides …” her voice faded because I was in awe of this amazing movie that was playing before my eyes.

So I’m seeing these wings come from around me, and when I tell you that they were the brightest bright white yellow that I’ve seen in my life, and remember that I’m the Color Girl, the colors that I saw in my life didn’t even come close to it. There was not a white enough. There was not a yellow saturated enough. The colors in the picture above that I painted look like mud compared to what I saw. It was an image of swirling indigo, bright heavenly whites, and glitter here and there on the wings. It was breathtaking.

As I sat there in class, I felt like I was watching a never-ending series on TV. The wings began to close in on me and surround me. These wings hugged me like an Angel was standing behind me, holding me close. I saw big, beautiful wings wrap around me.

I couldn’t breathe, not because I was getting choked but from emotion — incredible, incredible, blissful love. It was warm, loving, happy, glorious, and any other adjective to describe this wonderfulness.

I felt my throat knot up — right before you’re about to ball. “What’s happening? What’s going on? What do I do?”

Apparently, I was the only one in the room who experienced this. I looked around as everyone came out of their meditation, and they were like — well, like nothing, for lack of better words.

I couldn’t breathe and had to get out of there, so I ran to the bathroom and started crying. They weren’t sad tears but tears of joy and bafflement.

I was embarrassed that I was crying profusely, so I stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes until I composed myself.

Did I just get hugged by an Angel? I know I did because I SAW the wings. I FELT the love, and I just KNEW it was an Angel.

I returned to the class, reassured everyone that I was still alive, and told my teacher I had just been hugged by an Angel. I described to everyone what I had just seen and felt, and she said that she only knew of one other person who had received an Angel hug, and she was a Medium.

At that point, I knew hands down what my path in life would be. After all, it’s not every day that you get hugged by one of God’s Angels.

Now, I know many of you may think this is BS, but what would I gain by making this up? Nothing.

A few days later, the teacher also discussed validation in class. When you “see” something or sense a Spirit or Angel nearby, how do you know that it’s legit? What signs do you have that it’s true and not just something you concocted in your mind?

Well, much of the journey I’m on involves “seeing” things and just “knowing” them. Being able to see is Clairvoyance, and Claircognizance is clear “knowing.” Among other things, those are my two strong “Clairs.”

A few days passed, and I was in my backyard enjoying the birds and garden and just being alone when I saw a vertical wall of glitter. Right then and there, I knew it was an Angel dropping by to say hi. I remember smiling, knowing that I saw an Angel. I entered the house a few minutes later and thought nothing of it.

When I received my Angel hug and saw the glitter wall in my backyard, I painted the painting you see on top of this post. I hung the painting up in my office, and one day, I was sitting by my computer, admiring it and the story behind it. I was very annoyed that I couldn’t get the colors right, but that was the best I could do. So I’m looking and looking and looking at the painting, and then all of a sudden, I just got 100% validation — not that I needed any — that the glitter wall in the yard was an Angel.

I got out of my chair, looked closely at the painting, and noticed that I had added little patches of glitter to certain parts of the painting.

Angel hug, Angel painting, seeing the glitter outside, knowing that it was an Angel I saw, seeing glitter on the painting, putting 2 + 2 together, and again, that Claircognizance kicked in, and the ah-ha moment hit — this is how Angels communicate to me.

So, this was the most profound moment of my life. It forever changed who I am today and clearly, clearly told me what my path in life is to be.

Being able to see Angels is wonderful in itself, but receiving a hug from them is nothing short of a miracle.

I invite you to visit my blog, Angel Hug 234.



Donna Frasca 👁️

Author, A Psychic Medium, and Color Expert, who enjoys life, #FromColorToTheCosmos