The Unraveling of a Lucid Dream: Family, Fear, and Escape
All my worst thoughts all rolled into one “dream.”
I shouldn’t call it a dream; it was more like a nightmare. All my worst fears, well, most of them, were in one dream session.
It started off nice; I met up with a cyber friend of mine who helped me edit my book. We went to a spiritual fair that had a Harry Potter flair. It was fun and amazing!
I drove home quickly to tell my estranged daughter about the fair because I knew at one time she’d loved that type of thing. I was very much aware that I was having a dream and was just thankful that I was able to see her, after not seeing her for over a year now.
“Sure, Mom, I’ll go and check out the fair. You wanna go? I’ll drive.”
I was so happy that we’d be together again as mother and daughter. I could have cried! Then reality set in, and I knew I was in a dream (I’ve been lucid dreaming all my life) and realized she’d go to the fair by herself since her apartment was just 15 minutes away, and I lived 45 minutes away.
“Oh, that would be fun but way too much driving. I’m a little out of the way. You go and let me know how you like it.” 😫
I felt disappointed we wouldn’t have that time together in my dream world, but at least I got to see her.
Then the 💩 hit the fan.
I went to the fair again and on the way home, got lost and drove through a bad part of town. I witnessed several crimes from the safety of my car, so I thought.
My car broke down after driving through some potholes, and I had to trek home. I called my husband (and this is the first time my realty check, which is a cell phone, didn’t work in a lucid dream. Cell phones don’t work, but in this dream, oddly, it did) and tried to tell him I was in trouble.
Some undesirable snuck up on me and stabbed my arm with a needle with plans to kidnap me, but somehow I fought the effects of the drug and was able to escape.
I wound up in the safety of some department store, another thing I hate. There I saw my three cats wandering around the store! I had to protect them and go home. How was I going to corral three cats well enough to carry them home?
Since it was a department store, I spotted a bird cage in the decor section. Oddly, it had dozens of baby mice on the bottom of the cage was covered in urine. I scooped them out and wiped out most of the urine so I could cram my three cats into the cage. I knew they wouldn’t be happy or comfortable, but at least they were in one spot so I could safely get them home.
I found my car; it was in shambles but okay enough to somehow drive home, and I guess I did.
This dream sequence was some of my worst thoughts rolled into one. Thankfully, it slowly faded to an end, and I woke up, exhausted.
Today I’m going to take it slow, get a little fresh air even though it’s very cold out, and just stay in my home office, read, and create some art on my iPad, and pull some Lenormand cards to try to find answers to this nightmare. There has to be a message in here somewhere!
What does all this mean? I would love to hear from some dream interpreters to help me figure this one out. I clearly need to rest my fears today.