I Am Moving To The Mountains and The Trees Will Be My Neighbors
Living a dream that I manifested
In two years, my dreams will come true. I will be living in the woods, in my log cabin, and I can hardly wait. My neighbors will be trees and the all creatures that live there will be my friends.
The herb garden and wildflowers are already started. I walk out to my garden and clip a little bit of lemon balm for my tea. The colors of the wildflowers excite my chakras, and they come alive, feeling the vibration that each color has to offer.
My house is made of logs. It’s a living creature within itself. It moves, it breathes, and it definitely makes noises in the night, singing me to sleep.
I remember many years ago when I was just a kid. I said to myself:
“Someday I will be living in a log cabin in the mountains. I will be able to go outside and have a view where I can look up and see the stars without it being obstructed by light pollution. I will be able to walk in the woods and feel each tree and not have a neighbor in sight. I will own a little bit of paradise before I leave this Earth.”
In 2022, this dream came true.
My guides tell me that there are 10 years to enjoy before things change. I’m not 100% sure what that means, but I will just trust my journey and accept my soul contract. Ten years is a long time, and there’s a lot of life to live and enjoy. I look forward to slowing down and being mindful of every moment as I reconnect with my soul, and to the newfound energies of New Earth.
I love solitude and find that connecting with the unseen, and the energies of nature are more comforting than living in a plastic commercial world as I did most of my life.
I get to reconnect with myself that has been there all along, I put it on the back burner until the right time.
Time, it’s with us, in us, and all about us. We are time. We are what we desire and manifest 🌟