Healing Hues: Desire
When I first thought of the feeling of desire, these two sultry colors came to my sight. They are saturated and total of movement. Weird to say about a color that has movement, right? I always go with my first impressions, and these colors are what desire looks like to me.
We all want our desires to be met, that strong wish to have or long for something just out of our grip. Well, let’s manifest all that we want, including our desires, and this, my friends, can be done with color.
Let’s tap into the deep hues of plum and embrace rich, earthy greens. Looking at these colors makes me want to dance, for some reason, a slow, sultry dance.
Imagine painting your home with this color palette. Not only are you going out of the norm for what’s generally in the house, but watch your friend’s reaction to what they see. They’ll envy your bravery in painting such rich hues in your home.
It boils down to that you love specific colors, no matter what they are, and you want them in your home because that is what YOU desire!
Congratulations on that enthusiasm!