Healing Hues: Are We All Just Dancers In Time?
We all are just dancers in time. This phrase came into my sights one day while meditating or even in a dream. I can’t remember, but it made so much sense. Everyone has time, yet no one has enough. I can drop a ton of cliches about time, but no worries, I won’t. I’ll talk about the colors associated with time.
Does time even have colors associated with it? Well, everything does, and that tidbit depends on who you ask. Everything is associated with a color, and those colors can change throughout a lifetime, depending on the person who sees them.
I absolutely love this earthy color palette. I resonate with hues closely associated with the ground, such as lush greens, rich browns, and full-bodied reds; yes, I do have some of those hues in my home.
Going back to the topic of time, I found it beneficial not to put off the things that are important to me or the things that I enjoy; after all, why wait?
If money is an issue, will you ever have enough money for what you want? There are ways to manipulate money, so there is always a little set aside to do the things you love, in moderation, of course, and not beyond your means.
Time can bring happiness. This is so strange because I remember when I was about ten years old and wanted to go out and play with my friends. I asked my dad if I could go out, and he replied, “In about ten minutes.” Not only did I know when ten minutes was up, but I also had some time to think about what that meant.
- Why did I have to wait ten minutes?
- Why was it not eight minutes or eleven minutes? Why ten?
- What did my playing have to do with my dad's ten minutes? What about MY ten minutes?
See what a mind pluck time can do to one when one has enough time to think about things?
Strangely, I’m now 61, and I still think back to those few moments in time, STILL trying to figure it out. The conclusions are endless, but I’ll never know. I should have asked my dad when he was living with me towards the end of his life, but I’m sure he would not remember.
It’s funny how we go back in time to the days when there was a phrase, action, or thought that weighed heavy on our minds, and we still try to figure them out.
There’s no sense in thinking back in time because then we would be unproductive in the present moment. Yet, if we think about things long enough and do figure them out, it is not a waste of time after all.
I’d love to go on and on about a very mysterious topic of time. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and stick around my friends; there will be more posts like this where I dig deeper into the topics that matter.
All my color palettes are available for purchase. Visit DecoratingByDonna for contact details.
Thank you for your time.