Do We Need To Protect Ourselves Every Day?
Nothing burns my tail more than hearing about having to protect, ground and be on guard every day just in case some ugly energy or Spirit comes by. I thought this was no way to start the day with negative thoughts of “Oh, it’s a new day, time to protect myself!” I just don’t like that feeling, and honestly, it brings my vibration down.
I can’t be in the place I need to be if I’m dwelling on protecting, saying prayers every night before bed so the boogie man doesn’t come to get me and makes sure my shield doesn’t have any cracks in it — fear, fear, fear!!!
NO. I’m not doing this.
For me, I found a solution that I feel comfortable with so I can continue my path, and it looks something like this. Before you freak out, stay with me and read on.
I can’t move forward and to the frequency that I strive for if I keep dwelling on negative fears. I know in the Spiritual world, you HAVE to protect, ground, pray and do everything and anything possible to make sure that you are surrounded by only people, Spirits and Energies that have your best interest in mind. That’s a given.
I came up with a solution. What is it? It’s a Spiritual Tetanus shot. What is that, you say? It’s a virtual shot that contains all that I need to ground and protect myself, and like the Tetanus shot, it’s good for the next five years. Now I feel good that I’m covered instead of dwelling on this fear every day.
After thinking about this last night and during my morning walk, I realized that all comes from within the heart.
Before waking, I will say my prayers for the day. Archangel Michael is always with me because I asked him to stand guard a long time ago, and he’s there until I release him, so there’s no need to do this every day. However, if I feel something is off, I’ll call in both him and Uriel for backup. I also have Zuriel standing guard on all windows and doorways of my home (I’ve had naughties come into my home a few times), so he’s there until I release him. No need to do this every day.
As far as protection, no need to do this every day either because I always walk in light and love and am always protected by Father and my Angels. Again, like calling in my AA Mike, if and only IF I feel something is around that is naughty, I visualize my shield to be brighter, stronger and the most gorgeous bright light imaginable. This is done in just seconds.
What’s happening here is a mindset. I no longer want or can dwell on things that MIGHT happen. Just thinking like this lowers my vibration, and I can’t move forward. I’m done.
I pulled three cards for myself (from separate decks), and it was a great message.
The first card was PAMPER from Archangel Chameul. The card said to take time to replenish your mind, body, and soul. This tells me to THINK about what feels good to me and do it. No need to worry about what needs to or should be done. Do what feels good to me. Pampering is all about what feels good, whether it’s a massage or something special that we do for ourselves in any form.
The second card was from a regular deck of playing cards, and it was the 10 of hearts. 10 breaks down to 1, which means ME, as in I. Hearts, of course, is love, emotions, and feeling. Love yourself! Pamper yourself. See how these two just tied in?
Now the third card was from my Oracle of Angels card, and it was Archangel Chamuel, and it was the card of UNDERSTANDING. I heard, “Do you understand what you need to do?” Heck yea! Well, to me, these messages are loud and clear.
That was great reading for myself today and really put my mind at ease about all this wonky stuff that can make my head spin.
So do what YOU need to do!
• Do what feels right for YOU, not anyone else.
• Don’t concern yourself with what and how other people do things.
• YOU are in charge of YOU and must do what is right for where you need to go and how you need to grow.
I feel lighter, happier and already feel a TON of weight off my shoulder, which will only make flying easier 😉