Color and Cards: If I Look Into The Future, What Will I See?

Donna Frasca 👁️
1 min readNov 28, 2023

This is an excellent question and one that comes with many answers. Whether you’re psychic or not, our future is like air out of a balloon; no one knows what the future holds or which direction it will take.

Our thoughts have power, and when they become words, they become our reality. When it comes to the future, THINK of how you’d like it to unfold and VISUALIZE it. This can be done in our dreams while we sleep or during the day in the form of daydreams.

Regarding the power of our words, focus on blue, the color of our throat chakra. Say your words loudly, clearly, and precisely. Manifest your future.

This is a sample of what my new service, COLOR AND CARDS, is about. It’s connecting you to the right colors in your home on a much deeper level. If you are interested in this intuitive service, please visit my blog for details on how to purchase this intuitive service.



Donna Frasca 👁️

Author, A Psychic Medium, and Color Expert, who enjoys life, #FromColorToTheCosmos