A New Look, A New Step In Life
After owning my blog for over thirty years, it was time to give it a fresh look, a fresh feel, and a different vibe. I changed the colors, of course, and the content is less commercial and more personal.
I’ve been on a fantastic journey since 2014 that is more of a spiritual awakening. It has changed my life for the better, and I’ve experienced things on a metaphysical level that I’ll be sharing with you over time.
If you can’t wait to read about those experiences here, I wrote a book during COVID-19 called From Color To The Cosmos: Inside The Mind of A Medium that goes into all the amazing details.
As time goes on and life opens up, I am so enjoying the basics of what was always there. I’ll, of course, always be available to do my virtual designs and now introduce the spiritual side of my life.
So come enjoy my words, experiences, dreams, experiences with the spirit world, and so much more as I walk this journey that was meant to be.